Saturday, November 10, 2007 1:16 PM

Feed Your Pets Remotely!

It's obvious that Japanese spend most of the time outside their house (working), which leaves their pets unfeeded at the specific times of a day. But we all know that most of the special gadgets come from Japan, so they thought about making a gadget to feed their pets remotely too.

The name of the gadget we're talking about is iSeePet360, which is an automated pets feeding system controlled remotely.iSeePet360 allows pets owner to deliver the commands for releasing fresh food for pets via phone or computer. This device also allows the owner to check whether the pet is sleeping or eating and the audio feature of device allows the owner to tell the dinner time to his pet.

The cost of this interesting device is about $440 which is not very expensive price for our beloved ones.

Via Link from source.

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